The Simple Life

Simple life.  What does that mean to you?

To me it means to live each day to its fullest.  To enjoy the sunsets and a few sunrises, to watch the birds, to listen to music and dance.  

It’s about enjoying each other and the people we meet along the way.  It’s about sharing good food, laughter and love.  

Watching the waves go by.

It’s about doing what we feel like doing each day.  

It can’t get much simpler than living on a boat with no internet access.  

I find myself looking at my phone multiple times a day even though I know I can’t access email, or see new facebook or instagram posts.  

It’s a habit we have all developed- looking at our phones every few seconds.  

And now we are on an island that has limited internet service.  

And limited bathrooms.  

The beach here is 16 miles long and was voted America’s best beach.  It’s pretty spectacular.  The sand is like talcum powder,  and all you see is beach from left to right.  And there are no buildings in site.  Not one.  

Nothing to do but enjoy watching the waves, watching kids playing in the sand, two boys playing catch with their baseball, older couples walking hand in hand, younger couples taking their babies to the waters edge for the first time.  Families with their dogs jumping around in the water.  A man serenading the waves with his trumpet.

And the birds walking along the sand looking for insects and little crabs running around.  

It’s a simple life on this island.  Truly island time,  Nothing to do but relax.  And when it’s time to leave the beach, there’s another area to explore just around the bend.

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