Sell everything and buy a boat!

Have you ever thought about selling everything and buying a sailboat?

The dream of getting out of the rat race and sailing into the sunset.

Swimming with dolphins, fishing and sailing every day while the wind blows through your hair, firing up the grill and sharing a drink while watching the sun go down.

Sounds romantic right? 

So just go do it - sell it all!  

or NOT.  

Let’s get practical.

Selling everything seems easy.  Selling the house and cars would bring in xx amount of money that you’d put towards the sailboat.  You’d have xx left over to live on.  Perfect.  

Or, you can rent the house out, keeping it as an asset that will appreciate and be residual income for years to come.  

That’s what we did.  

Sure it’s more work than selling everything.  We come back every summer to manage the property and the guests who stay there and to do maintenance.  But the income pays for it all, or most of it.  

This is how we chose to live this sailing life.  

How are you choosing to live yours?

Our new video is out.  Watch us live our dreams, and let us help you live yours.

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