In Search of the Perfect Skincare

                                                                                                                                                                                           Photo by Roman Odintsov

I have been in search of the perfect skin care system for years.  

When I was a teenager, my mom bought me Avon.  Then I graduated to Mary Kay in my twenties.  At some point I defaulted to drug store brands because it was easy.  I moved onto Arbonne in my 40’s.

I went to a few different Celebrity dermatologists while I was living in Los Angeles, and had the treatments of the stars.   I even bought the brands they sold at their office.

All of the products worked fine.  I just kept changing because of my changing skin care needs and the promise acne clearing up, of glowing skin, or fine lines disappearing.  

And now that I am in my 50’s and living on a boat, I am more conscious of the space that my cosmetics take up as well as the impact they are having on the world.  

What happens to all the plastic bottles after I finish them and throw them out?  Land fill.

Where does the water drain from our boat sinks and showers?  The ocean.

And what effect do the chemicals in my skin care have on the fish and the planet if they are being washed down the drain and right into the ocean?  

With all the healthy food we’ve been eating, why am I putting chemicals on my skin?

That is why I have been looking for more natural skin care.  

It seemed everywhere I looked, someone had a “healthy” and “natural” skin care system, but all of them had some sort of chemical in them.  Makes since. I mean, there has to be a preservative to add to the shelf life right?  

Not really. 

There are some natural ingredients that don’t need to be mixed with preservatives and they still have a shelf life.

Like honey.  Honey doesn’t need additives and preservatives because it doesn’t spoil.

Raw honey is antibacterial and anti-fungal, and has antimicrobial properties, which means it great for healing wounds.  

Honey also deeply moisturizes and hydrates the skin, cleans the pores, is a gentle exfoliator, lightens scars, is great at fighting acne, reverses the signs of aging and adds a natural glow.  

Sign me up!

So how do I use it in my skin care?  I wash my face with it.  I know, it sounds weird, using something sticky to wash your face.  But with those benefits, why wouldn’t I?  

It doesn’t take anything special at all.  I just wash my face with honey the same way I would wash it with any other face cleanser, I splash water on my face, scoop some honey right into the palm of my hand and gently rub it on my face in circles.  Then splash water on my face again to rinse off the honey, making sure it all comes off….or if I have a blemish or want to use it as mask, I leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing off.  

It’s the cheapest and easiest skin care I’ve ever had.  Raw honey is available at stores that carry natural products, or you can have it shipped right to your door using this link.  

The link is an Amazon Affiliate link.  If you decide to purchase after clicking on the link, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Thank you and enjoy your new natural skin care!

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