You Don't Need a Lot of Money to Own a Boat 

“Sign up for the free webinar to learn how to scale to multiple 6 and 7 figures.”

“Learn how to create an extra 5k this month.”

“3 simple steps to make 10k in a day.” 

Do you get messages like this in your inbox?  As a business owner, I get a ton!

Once or twice a week I get one.  

At first I was intrigued by making 6-7 figures in my business.  Who wouldn’t be.  

I made that much each year in my career, so naturally I would want to make that much with my own business right?  

But what if I told you that I don’t NEED that much income to live my dream life?  

What if I told you that you don’t NEED it to live your dream life either.

Owning a 6-7 figure business comes with a lot of managing and supervising your business.  Yep, that 6-7 figure wouldn’t all be profit for you to keep.  You’d need to pay for a support team to help you with sales, promotions, social media, advertising, accountant/CPA, design, and yes, even working with clients and customers.  

That all cuts into your personal paycheck.  

So why work so hard to make 6-7 figures if you are already making enough to live?  So you can have your dream life?

What if you could have your dream life on what you make now?

What if you could streamline your expenses so you don’t have to make 6-7 figures to live your dream life?

Our total monthly expenses are about $4200.  That includes the boat costs.

That means we only have to make $50,400 a year to live on our boat.  

According to, the medium household income in 2020 was $67,691, with the lowest medium income being in Mississippi at $45,081.  

That tells me that you probably make at least 45k a year.  

How much more than that are you making?  

How are you spending that money?  

Is it going towards your dream life?  

When we bought our boat, Stephen had just been “downsized” (he lost his job) by the company he had worked for for over 25 years, and my job was ending. 

We didn’t let that stop us from following our dreams.  We were still able to get a boat loan, buy our boat, and live our dream life.  

Don’t let your current financial situation and mindset around it stop you from following your dreams either.  

When there’s a will, there is a way!  Find it! 

Schedule a call with us, we love helping people find their way to their dreams.

© Myce, LLC 2022.  All Rights Reserved.