Your Dream Life in 6 Months

Mary Beth here.  

I was thinking about dreams and goals.  And what I’ve been taught all my life.  

“You can be/do anything you want.”

“Create a dream board and you will achieve those dreams.”

And that’s exactly what I told Stephen to do when he said he wanted to buy a sailboat.  

“Find a picture of a sailboat and put it up on the wall, you know, like make a dream board, look at it every day and imagine yourself living on the sailboat.”

A year later we bought our sailboat.  

But the amazing thing is that he DIDN’T find a picture of a sailboat.  He DIDN’T create a dream board.  He DIDN’T do what I was suggesting him doing.  

Probably because they rarely work.  You spend lots of time making the dream board.  Oh sure, it’s a lot of fun.  Ripping out pictures and phrases from magazines, glueing them onto a poster board.  

And that’s when it ends.  The dream board gets shoved into a closet somewhere because you don’t want your friends to see it when they come over, your spouse says it doesn’t go with the decor, or you think it’s too hard, time consuming, a stupid dream that you will never achieve.  

And that’s exactly why you aren’t living your dream life.  

You don’t think it’s possible.  

Your MIND and BELIEFS are holding you back.  

What if you knew it was possible?

What if you knew you couldn’t fail?

What if you knew that by this time next year you’d be moving onto your very own sailboat?

What would you be doing today?

What would you be thinking about?

That’s what’s going to get you living your dream life before you know it.

We are here to help you with every step of the way.  Did you download our 3 Step guide to your FABulous Dream Life yet?  Download it hereAnd make sure you read it and start implementing the steps!

Click here to set up a call with us so we can help you achieve your dreams.

I can’t wait to help you live your dream life and tour your dream boat next year!

Mary Beth

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