You Have Vast Untapped Potential

How do you access your power and wisdom?

Get into your body!

What does that really mean?

Why do I need to get into my body?

And how would I even do it?

Well I am here to shed light on these questions and teach you, through the lens of your own experience, the value of “getting into” and knowing your body.

The first time I became aware that my body was distinct from my brain, and had its own awareness, thoughts, and wisdom, was in a yoga class about 15 years ago.

I didn’t realize how yoga would be a portal into my body awareness and the beginning of my spiritual journey.

I had been practicing Baptiste Yoga, a very physically challenging form done in a 90 deg F room. 

You can't imagine how humid and down right soupy it got with 20 to 30 sweating bodies physically exerting themselves doing yoga.

But I practiced everyday in that hot humid studio for years looking for answers.

One particular session, no different from any other, or so I thought, Warrior One Pose changed my life forever.

As had been the usual I struggled to stay balanced, for what felt like an eternity, on my slippery sweat drenched yoga mat.

My quads were on fire, and my legs involuntarily trembled, as my manic thoughts screamed at me at a deafening volume “get out of the pose!” “I can’t handle this anymore,” and “why the hell do I keep doing this?” 

Yet I stayed despite my overpowering urge to stop.

My wise yoga teacher would keep us in that pose for what felt like forever.

I can still hear him repeating the same words day after day, “stay in the pose…there you will find the ease in the effort, don’t run.”

That day while struggling, I suddenly became aware of those words “just stay” but they were originating from someplace other than my teacher.

The quiet voice said “stay.”

At first I was confused. 

Was I hallucinating from exhaustion or dehydration?

Did my teacher say that stupid phrase so many times that I was saying it now in my head?

What was going on?

I soon realized that this was my own voice, a voice I had never heard before, distinct from the usual manic voice in my head.

It was calm centered and quiet, almost a whisper, but despite its peacefulness, it emanated from extreme power within my own BODY.

My body was speaking to me and telling me to stay in the pose. 

That profound moment changed my life, and still guides my intent today.

You may ask, why was it so life changing for me?

Because it instantly separated “me” from my thoughts.  

I realized that “I am NOT my thoughts.”

Which instantly freed me from believing every tortuous negative, self deprecating, critical thought that I had been hearing in my head for as long as I could remember. 

What I later learned is that not just Thoughts, but Emotions, Body Sensations and Visualizations are all feelings and how our body communicates with us.

I am sharing this with you because it can change your life.  

Just like for me…

You are not your thoughts either!…

You have the capacity to listen and learn from your own body wisdom.

The first step is to learn to speak your bodies language.  You need to get into your body to communicate with it.  

You need to feel your muscles, your breath, the hairs on the your head and the back of your neck, your heart beat, how clothes feel, how you navigate gravity.  All these body sensations are the gateway to tapping into your body’s wisdom. 

Your body is constantly trying to communicate with you. 

It has lessons and power to share with you anytime, but you have to quiet your manic mind long enough to hear its soft clear powerful voice.

It’s like the lyrics in the Indigo Girls song “Closer to Find.” 

“Darkness has a hunger that is insatiable and lightness has a call that’s hard to hear.”

You probably have never put yourself in a situation where you could hear the light with it’s calm quiet knowing whisper over the drowning out of your loud incessant manic logical mind, which never shuts up.

But I assure you that you can access this lightness and will be rewarded with truth, and a knowing direction once you tap into the power of your body.

So why should you bother to access your body?

It will provide you with a knowing wisdom and power that you have never known before. 

Most of us are so connected to our head voice, or intellect, or our fear body that we can’t quiet those voices down long enough to hear the other more intuitive parts of us like our body.

How do you access your body?

There are many ways, but the way that works best for me and I prescribe to clients, is quite simple, easy and not at all difficult.

Use your body! And FEEL it.

Get up everyday and USE YOUR BODY and become aware of how it FEELS. It will communicate to you through body sensations, and over time you will become aware of and understand its messages.

The most important thing is to just start now!

Every day become aware and FEEL your legs and arms move. 

FEEL yourself occupy space in a room and as you move through it. 

FEEL how your body reacts to gravity as you move.

FEEL your chest expand and contract when breathing. 

Just FEEL the sensations in your body that you experience everyday.

A really effective way to do this is to wear fitted clothing. FEELING the resistance clothes have against your body gives you consistent feedback on your spacial relationship to your body, and can help you access it.

Lastly, when you perform something physical FEEL your heart beat quicken.

FEEL your chest expand and contract as you breath and listen for that quiet voice in the midst of your manic voice. 

It will be communicating to you wisdom which could change how you view your world.

Now that you know that your body is always there communicating with you, you just have to practice listening for it.

Trust me it is well worth the effort.

© Myce, LLC 2022.  All Rights Reserved.